Friday, September 23, 2011

Why was satellite navigation introduced?

Satellite navigation was delevoped to recover Spy Satellites and the spacecraft in the early space race. The Mercury, Genini and Apallo spacecraft landed in the ocean when they returned to earth.

The splashdown area of the spacecraft would be calculated and in most cases be fairly accurate. Once in a while it would miss and take too long for the Navy to get to them and recover the craft and astronauts. Since it was Navy Ships that did the recovery they had it first and used it to improve naval navigation.

The Army saw the value of it to pinpoint unit locations in the field. This would prevent "Friendly Fire" attacks from Artillery and Aircraft. The Army requirements for accurate locations is the reason the current GPS system exists today. For many years it was off limits to the civilian world. In the early 90's the Army declassified and released the "Old GPS Technology" to the civilian world. Now its almost impossible to get lost.|||hmm|||too many people were getting lost on their way home....folks just like you|||To help people figure out where they are. It can pin point a person's exact location.

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